Rivera Park Long Bien Project

    Rivera Park Long Bien Project


    Located at the Northeast gate of the Capital, 7 km from the city center – at Lot C5/HH2, Viet Hung New Urban Area, Long Bien District, Rivera Park Long Bien hasprime location, convenient for transportation due to its ability to connect to many important transportation routes such as National Highway 5, Highway 1B, Vinh Tuy Bridge and Thanh Tri Bridge.

    Rivera Park Long Bien is co-developed by Long Giang Land and Long Giang Investment Group Joint Stock Company

    Basic parameters:

    • Product type: Villas, commercial center, office and hotel
    • Total investment: VND 800 billion
    • Project’s total land area: 12.404 m2
    • Number of storeys (high rise buildings): 17 storeys
    • Area of commercial and service area floor: 7.522 m2
    • Area for office and hotel floor: 17.084 m2
    • Number of villas: 21 lots
    • Number of storeys of each villa lot: 4 storeys
    • Project schedule:

    +          Applying for adjusting the project’s investment policy: April, 2019

    +          Completion of preparation procedures for the investment and commencement of the project: November, 2019

    +          Completion of the construction and inauguration of the project: November, 2021.

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