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Among the key goals in the business operation of Long Giang Land is to create a professional environment in which all staffs have the conditions to make to the most their abilities and have the opportunity to be promoted in work and at the same time live and work in a humanistic environment. With that goal, Long Giang Land always makes all effort to build and complete mechanisms and policies to promote to the maximum the human values, develop cultural standards orienting all members to behave well and to bring the Company’s “humanistic” value to expand to the community and society

Remuneration policies

Salary: Each employee is paid based on their capacity, professional experience and ensuring life the each of them;

Allowances: Long Giang Land also provides other allowances for work including responsibility allowance, site allowance, office allowance, and concurrent position/dispatch allowance and lots of other specific allowances, etc. based on the employee’s monthly performance assessment result.

Bonuses under work performance, bonuses on holidays, birthdays, etc.

Social welfare: All employees of Long Giang Land are entitled to social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance regimes as regulated by the state. In addition, in order to create a friendly workplace, develop spiritual life for employees, the company holds birthday celebration, festivals, cultural, artistic and sport activities, etc. monthly and quarterly.

Other remunerations: In addition to basic remunerations, Company also has remunerations for employees who have worked for long time and contributed positively to the Company’s operation such as rewarding shares, preferential house buying regime, special bonuses, etc.

Recruiting policies

Determining that personnel are the factor deciding the Company’s success, Long Giang Land always demands to recruit personnel with good qualification and high sense of responsibility. Everyone is equal in all job opportunities and is not discriminated in recruitment at the Company. The recruitment is made public and unified in terms of procedures and regulations throughout the Company.

The company especially encourages employees to find and introduce candidates suitable with recruitment standards to participate in the recruitment and have regimes to reward employees who introduce candidates as stipulated in the recruitment regulations of the Company from time to time.

Depending on each position, the Company stipulates its own compulsory standards, but all titles must satisfy the basic requirements such as: having basic professional qualifications, being conscious in career development and being highly disciplined.

The workers shall not pay any costs for the recruitment, except for the cost for employment recruitment application in Centers for job introduction, Job fairs, etc. as stipulate by law provisions.

Long Giang Land has been always changing and perfecting its policies to attract the best human resources to contribute to Long Giang Land’s development in general and each member of the company in particular.

Training policy

All employees have the equal opportunity to attend training courses necessary for successfully completing their tasks;

The company always promotes its employees to learn by themselves day by day, improve their profession to become professional, capable and creative employees;

The superior officers are responsible for regularly supporting and training the lower staffs in the work;

The company has policy to finance part or whole of costs for specialized courses suitable for some key officials or those having future development potential. In special cases, the Company will consider to support a part of the costs for employees to voluntarily participate in training programs by their funds outside working hours;

After completing the training, the employees must write a report obtaining from the course and apply the trained knowledge and skills to improve their work performance. The employees are encouraged to share their knowledge and skills for colleagues;

Where the employees attend courses during working hours, they must obtain the consent from the Manager of department, unit and approval from the competent authorities.

Internal training includes the following training courses: direct training in work, training for new employees, training in Quality Management System, etc.

External training: Depending on the work demands and capabilities of each staff, the Company may send its employees to attend courses at reputable universities and training centers domestically or abroad. The decision on sending of employees to train abroad will be made by the General Director.

Policy on career promotion

Determining personnel is one of the important factors for the Company’s development, Long Giang Land always focuses on creating conditions for employees to have opportunity to promote their management and leadership ability.

Especially, Long Giang Land always creates a healthy competitive environment, in compliance with principles and builds a friendly, professional corporate culture, supporting and improving the ability for personal potential development.

All employees achieving good and outstanding work performance are recognized annually and having potential to develop will be reserved for training, fostering and promote, appoint to managerial positions when having demands;

The company always put priority in promoting and appointing officials from internal sources;

For employees with better managerial capacity and ability to undertake the work, the Company will always prioritize in training to accumulate enough knowledge and experience for more important managerial positions in the future;

Aiming at developing personal as an asset, a person may undertake more than one positions, the Company implements the policy of transfer/dispatch of officials among departments and units of the Company, between the Parent company and it subsidiaries and vice versa.

Company’s culture

Corporate culture is all cultural values created during the Company’s existence and development, becoming values, conceptions, customs and traditions that are deeply embedded in the company’s operation and dominate the emotions, thoughts and behavior of all the Company’s members in pursuing and implementing its goals.

In addition to material values, the Company pays close attention to building spiritual values. The company always pays attention and aims to build corporate culture having bold national identity, promoting to the mot the human values.

Various numbers of internal activities are regularly held to create a common playground for the employees, attach the collective spirit, as well as relieve hardship after stressful working hours.

Some typical activities include: LGL CUP football tournament, summer tour, spring tour, monthly festival, etc.

Một số hoạt động tiêu biểu như:


LGL CUP football tournament


Summer tour


10th anniversary of the Long Giang Land


Tennis tournament internally



In addition to production and business, Long Giang Land is always aware of its social responsibility through its contribution to social and charity work which are among its key tasks.


The company always helps disadvantaged children by financing child protection funds, visiting and giving gifts to dialysis children at Vietnam National Children’s Hospital, regularly visiting and giving gifts to disabled and orphaned children at the Sponsoring Center No. 3 in Thuy An commune – Ba Vi – Hanoi, responding the “Meals support for school” program to support lunch for elementary and high school students in Quy Chau District – Nghe An, etc.



The company always cares and helps those with specially disadvantaged circumstances as supporting the Foundation for the Poor, promptly visiting, encouraging and supporting to share part of difficulties for people in the areas suffering from natural disasters, supporting the “Home at Frontier” program – building houses for ethnic minority people in the northern border mountainous areas, etc.

The company also contributes to build religious works such as communal houses, pagodas and social works such as schools, medical stations, etc.

Specializing mostly in the fields: Business – Real Estate Services and Commercial Services, Preschool, during the implementation of its strategy from 2010 to 2015, Long Giang Investment and Urban Development Joint Stock Company (Long Giang Land) always puts priority on the implementation of the goal of developing human resource – the factor determining its success.

Long Giang Land’s personnel policy is built for bringing human resources to become a competitive advantage of the company, is shown synchronously from policies of recruitment, training – development, salary – bonuses – welfare, remuneration regimes, working environment and development of corporate culture to keep the good employees, attract talents, create best working conditions for all employees, to develop their career and attach for long-term period with the Company.



Determining that personnel are the factor deciding the Company’s success, Long Giang Land always demands to recruit personnel with good qualification and high sense of responsibility. Everyone is equal in all job opportunities and is not discriminated in recruitment at the Company. The recruitment is made public and unified in terms of procedures and regulations throughout the Company.

The company especially encourages employees to find and introduce candidates suitable with recruitment standards to participate in the recruitment and have regimes to reward employees who introduce candidates as stipulated in the recruitment regulations of the Company from time to time.

Depending on each position, the Company stipulates its own compulsory standards, but all titles must satisfy the basic requirements such as: having basic professional qualifications, being conscious in career development and being highly disciplined.

The workers shall not pay any costs for the recruitment, except for the cost for employment recruitment application in Centers for job introduction, Job fairs, etc. as stipulate by law provisions.

Long Giang Land has been always changing and perfecting its policies to attract the best human resources to contribute to Long Giang Land’s development in general and each member of the company in particular.


Determining that personnel are the factor deciding the Company’s success, Long Giang Land always demands to recruit personnel with good qualification and high sense of responsibility. Everyone is equal in all job opportunities and is not discriminated in recruitment at the Company. The recruitment is made public and unified in terms of procedures and regulations throughout the Company.



Salary: Each employee is paid based on their capacity, professional experience and ensuring life the each of them;

Allowances: Long Giang Land also provides other allowances for work including responsibility allowance, site allowance, office allowance, and concurrent position/dispatch allowance and lots of other specific allowances, etc. based on the employee’s monthly performance assessment result.

Bonuses under work performance, bonuses on holidays, birthdays, etc.

Social welfare: All employees of Long Giang Land are entitled to social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance regimes as regulated by the state. In addition, in order to create a friendly workplace, develop spiritual life for employees, the company holds birthday celebration, festivals, cultural, artistic and sport activities, etc. monthly and quarterly.

Other remunerations: In addition to basic remunerations, Company also has remunerations for employees who have worked for long time and contributed positively to the Company’s operation such as rewarding shares, preferential house buying regime, special bonuses, etc.



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